Basic Life Support (BLS)

Essnetial life-saving skills for healthcare professionals

Course Overview

The BLS for Healthcare Providers course is designed to provide a wide variety of certified or noncertified, licensed or nonlicensed, healthcare professionals with the skills to keep people alive until they can be brought to a hospital or be treated with more advanced lifesaving measures.

The BLS course covers:

✅ Adult, child, and infant CPR

✅ Two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag-valve mask

✅ Foreign-body airway obstruction (conscious and unconscious)

✅ Automated external defibrillation (includes child AED update)

✅ Special resuscitation situations

✅ Automated external defibrillation (includes child AED update)

✅ Other cardiopulmonary emergencies and stroke and cardiac arrest

✅ Advanced Airways & Rescue Breathing

BLS Course Availability

The BLS E-learning course is provided on demand and not openly posted. To schedule a BLS session or learn more, please contact us directly. Our team will be happy to assist you with your specific training needs.